
【2023年11月8日 医药所】The role of the biomolecule corona in adverse outcomes induced by nanoscale materials across species: from daphnids to plants and humans

时间:2023-11-07  来源: 文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印


        大家好! 医药所第428期学术讲座将于2023年11月08日 星期三 11:30-12:30 D521会议室举行。本次讲座邀请了来自英国伯明翰大学,Iseult Lynch 教授带来The role of the biomolecule corona in adverse outcomes induced by nanoscale materials across species: from daphnids to plants and humans的报告届时李洋  研究员将主持讲座。  
